Welcome to your new about page!
Thank you for installing the Belchertown weewx skin!
Armstrong School District: https://www.asd.k12.pa.us
To show built in weewx variables (like station battery status (if supported), temperature, weewx version, etc.), just add them to this file. For example:
- Station hardware: Vantage Vue
- Server uptime: 368 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes
- WeeWX uptime: 54 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes
- WeeWX version: 4.10.2
- Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1
For an example of what this page could say, please see https://belchertownweather.com/about. If you need more help, refer to this link.
Enjoy your new weewx skin!